Sharjah Jonsson – Shoulder instability
Patient Name: Sharjah Jonsson
Case Study: Shoulder instability
Dr Rian Smit: Sharjah sustained a traumatic shoulder dislocation resulting in persistent instability. He required surgery to stabilise his shoulder and allow him to return to professional mountain biking.
My name is Sharjah Jonsson, I am a 20 year old full time mountain biker from Pietermaritzburg. I have been racing on the Enduro World Series circuit for the last 2 years. 2019 saw me finish 10th in the u21 world series despite missing the last 3 rounds due to a shoulder injury. I had a really great experience with Midlands Orthopedics and I would recommend them to anyone seeking the services they offer.
Their care and expertise was better than anything I have ever experienced elsewhere. I have returned to the 2020 season after surgery with full confidence in my repaired shoulder and I am really looking forward to proving myself on the world circuit.
Project Details
- Patient : Sharjah Jonsson
- Conidtion : Shoulder instability
- Doctor : Dr Rian Smit