Congenital Deformities
Clubfoot is a condition affecting the feet, resulting in an inwardly curved foot. Without treatment, this deformity would result in pain and difficulty walking. Luckily, when treatment is sought early, it can be addressed without the need for surgery and managed by a series of plaster casting or strapping . Should this be unsuccessful, or should bony deformity already be present, surgery may be needed to correct the foot.

Developmental dysplasia of the hip is a condition in which the head of the hip joint is no longer in the socket. Depending on contributing factors and age of presentation, this condition can be managed by non surgical or surgical means, in order to try and secure the hip back in the socket.

Acquired Conditions
Blounts is a condition in which the growth area of the tibia at the knee is not even. This results in the leg developing bowing and a rotational deformity. This condition is almost always managed surgically, from a minor “slowing down” of growth on the overactive side, to more aggressive corrective surgery to straighten the leg again.

Bowing of the legs
It is important to remember that a degree of bowing of the legs are normal in toddlers and “knock knees”, or outward bowing can be normal in the preschool years. If the amount of bowing exceeds normal limits, there are minor/moderate surgical procedures that can be done to correct these deformities.

Perthes is a condition of childhood affecting the hip joint in which there is a disruption of the blood supply to the head (ball) of the hip. This results in collapse and flattening of the head. If caught early and contained, the head has a chance to try and heal in a good position and shape. Some cases, however, may require surgery to help reorientate the bones at the hip joint to allow for better movement and function.

Flatfoot is a condition in which there is a loss of the medial arch of the foot and the inside edge of the foot is on or near the ground. This can be familial and asymptomatic. But occasionally it can cause pain and instability or repeated ankle sprains. When this is the case, there are a variety of surgical and non surgical treatment options to correct this.

Cerebral palsy
Cerebral palsy is a condition that occurs as a result of an injury to a part of the brain. This injury could occur in the womb, during birth, after birth or as a result of infection, trauma or tumours. It results in a problem with movement and muscle control. It may cause very abnormal movements, low tone or floppy tone in the muscles or spastic high tone in the muscles. All of these muscular problems can result in a spectrum of concerns from joint contractures to dislocations. Along with a team of paediatricians, occupational and physical therapists and neurologists, orthopaedics can help with some of the muscular and bony problems.

Infection in bone can lead to life threatening and long term sequelae. It can cause bone destruction, fracture, growth abnormalities and deformity. It is essential to manage bone infection aggressively to ensure the best outcome.

Malunions and Deformity Correction
A malunion occurs when a bone either heals in a poor position or due to an injury near a growth center, so the bone grows abnormally. A variety of surgical options are available to correct deformity in the growing skeleton, from osteotomy and plating, to growth modulation and even bone lengthening.

Our specialists

Dr James McAllister
Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
BSc MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)

Dr Rian Smit
Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)

Dr Katherine Troisi
Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon
MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)