Robotic Surgery

Robotic surgery

Since the inception of robotic surgery orthopaedic surgeons have been able to perform complex operations with even more precision than before. Robotic surgery allows for detailed preoperative planning and tailoring of each joint replacement surgery to each individual patient.

How Mako robotic technology works

Using Mako robotic-arm assisted technology, the surgeon develops a unique surgical plan for the patient’s specific anatomy. It begins with a CT scan of the arthritic hip or knee joint which is uploaded into the Mako system software. Following this, a precise 3D model of the affected hip or knee is created on which the surgical procedure and the best implant position is planned preoperatively.

On the day, surgery is performed using this preoperative plan and the Mako robot. The Mako robotic-arm is guided by the surgeon within the pre-defined areas to prepare the bony surfaces, protect neurovascular and ligamentous structures and allow for implantation of the joint replacement according to the predetermined plan for the best possible results.

Our specialists

Dr James McAllister

Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon

BSc MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)

Dr Rian Smit

Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon

MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)

Dr Katherine Troisi

Specialist Orthopaedic Surgeon

MBChB H.Dip Orth (SA) FC Orth (SA)